The list of directories, starting with the root, that leads to the directory holding a specific file.
Actual Parameter
A specific value or expression that appears inside the parentheses of a method call.
A step-by-step description of how to accomplish a task.
A data structure consisting of a number of elements, each of the same type, where any individual element can
be accessed by a number indicating its position in the array.
A term used by programmers to describe the values given to a method inside
the parentheses of a method call. Another name for actual parameter.
Array Traversal
Processing each array element in an array in order, from the first to the last.
Giving a value to a variable.
Assignment Statement
A statement that gives a value to a variable.
It has the form
Assignment Operator
This operator takes the value of the expression to its right and assigns it to the
variable whose name is on its left. In Java the assignment operator is =.
The automatic initialization of variables to a default value, such as on an array’s elements when it is constructed.
The Bsic Input Output System, is software contained in programmable memory,
which the processor can read when the machine is first turned on. The BIOS is stored as
firmware in non-volatile memory such
as flash memory. The purpose of the BIOS is to find
the hardware devices will be needed during the boot process, and to load
and run the first-stage boot loader. The BIOS also performs the
Power On Self Test.
The series of steps which bring all the software needed to run the machine in the computers RAM
and all essential services are started.
Boolean Expression
An expression that yields either true or false when evaluated.
Numbers that represent commands inside the Java interpreter, java.
Camel Case
A naming convention where more than one word is used in an identifier.
Each new word is distinguished from the characters that come before it by being written in upper case,
while all other characters are lower case
Case Sensitive
Some languages, like Java, and environments, like Unix, treat a the capital and lower case version
of the same letter, for example A and
a , as different letters. These languages and environments
are said to be case sensitive. If you use the wrong case in spelling a word,
Java and Unix both treat this as a spelling error.
A Java construction that forces the conversion of one data type into another.
You form a cast in Java by placing parentheses around the name of the data type you want, just before the
value that needs to be converted.
int x = (int) y * 2;
Catch an Exception
The act of intercepting an exception within a Java program, before
it gets to the Java interpreter. Any exception that is not caught inside a program,
will cause a runtime error.
Catch Block
The second code block in a try/catch
statement. When the Java interpreter comes across a an exception
inside the try block of a try/catch statement, it does not cause
a runtime error. Instead, it stops executing the code in
the try block and tries to find a catch block that
looks for the particular type of exception that is thrown.
Each catch block responds to a different type of exception. There can be many
catch blocks, one for each type of exception. If there is no catch block for the
exception that was thrown, a runtime error will occur.
Checked Exception
An exception that must be caught inside the
method that causes the exception or must be declared in the method header.
The code that is used to create an object.
Classes are the basic building blocks of Java programs.
Class Constant
A constant that is defined inside a class,
but outside all class methods. Class constants can be used by all
methods in the class.
Class Header
The first line of a class, which gives important information about the class including its name
Code Block
A code block is a section of code that is surrounded by a matched pair of curly braces: { }
Text that programmers include in a program to explain their code.
The compiler ignores comments.
A program that translates a computer program written in one language
into an equivalent program in another language (often, but not always,
translating from a high-level language into machine language).
Compound Statement
A statement that contains other statements
inside it. A compound statement cannot be written on a single line.
A text only environment in which programs are run and can interact with the user.
Console Window
A special text-only window in which Java programs interact with the user.
A syntactic structure that controls how and when other statements are executed.
Control Variable
The variable that is used in a loop to keep track of the number of times the loop body
has been executed so the loop knows when to stop.
A variable whose value is assigned once and cannot be changed.
A variable that keeps track of the number of times something has happened.
Cumulative Algorithm
An algorithm in which a value is computed bit-by-bit using some kind of loop.
The final value is not known until the loop has finished.
Cumulative Concatenation
Building up a string by adding individual characters in a loop.
Current Directory
The directory where you can specify a file simply by its name, without using a path.
Data Structure
A specific arrangement of data in a computer program that allows the
program to use the data efficiently for the task at hand.
Data Type
The name given to the type of value inside a Java program. Each data type is
represented differently inside the computers memory. Integers (int)
and characters (char) are examples of Java data types.
Defining something in the Java language.
Breaking down a big problem into smaller problems, each of which is easier to do.
A value that is supplied by Java when the program does not set a value.
In Java, the elements of an array are given
a default value, when the array is created.
Defensive Programming
An approach to programming that tries to anticipate problems before they happen
and write code that handles these problems without crashing or
corrupting the data.
Definite Loop
A loop which will execute a predetermined number of times.
A place where files are kept in Unix. It is called a folder on Windows
and the Mac.
Domain Name
A combination of the hostname and a network name.
To connect to a machine on the Internet, you need to use a domain name.
Dot Notation
The format used when accessing an element from another class or object. That element
can be a method, a variable, or a constant.
You first write
the name of the class or object that holds the element, followed by a dot,
. , followed by the name of the element
Driver Class
A static class that contains a main
method which starts the application or program.
Dummy Value
A value chosen to initialize a variable before it is used and to be so different from
any possible valid value that it would be easily detected if inadvertently used.
An individual entry, or value, in an array.
Escape Sequence
A combination of two characters, one right after the other,
that are used to represent special characters.
They all begin with the backslash character, \ .
For example, the tab character is represented as "\t".
The process of obtaining the value of an expression.
A Java mechanism for dealing with a runtime error.
An exception is produced by the Java interpreter, and gives you information
that can help identify the cause of the runtime error.
Anything that Java can turn into a value. An expression can be a
A problem involving objects and the things that connect them, where all objects except the
first and the last are connected to two other objects. There will always be one more objects
than the number of connections in these situation. The classic example is a fence with
wire running between two posts except for the first and last posts.
A linear arrangement of data, in a storage medium for a computer, with a name and a location.
A boolean variable that is normally set to false,
but whose value is changed to true when some special condition occurs.
Flow of Control
The order in which the statements of a Java program are executed.
Formal Parameter
The that appears inside the method, and is declared
inside the method header
Format Specifiers
Placeholders for the values supplied by values following a format string.
They consist of % followed by 1 or more characters.
Format String
A string used with the System.out.printf
the printed output using special character combinations.
Graphical User Interface
A visual display on a computer screen using windows and graphical elements
to better show the output of a program and get input from the user.
The way Unix organizes file. All files are kept in directories, which are called
folders in Windows. Directories live inside other directories. There is one directory at the top which
is called root but is represented as / .
Home Directory
A directory that belongs to one, and only one, Unix account. The directory has the same
name as your Unix username. When you fist connect to a Unix machine,
you will be in your home directory. To get back to your home directory,
use the cd command without any argument.
The name of a computer on the network.
Indefinite Loop
A loop in which it is impossible to know how many iterations it will perform
before it executes, because that number is determined as the loop executes.
An integer used to specify a location in a sequence of values. Java
uses zero-based indexing, with 0 as the first index value.
Indexes are used to get an individual character in a string
or an element of an array
A program which takes a file with instruction in a language and directly executes each instruction in that file
without creating an executable file.
Code to make a specific Java package available to a program.
It must appear outside a class declaration.
Iterative Enhancement
The process of producing a program in stages, adding new functionality at
each stage. A key feature of each iterative step is that you can test it to
make sure that piece works before moving on. This technique is also called
stepwise refinement.
A series of binary numbers that represent instructions that a computer can understand.
Each different computer processor has its own machine language.
Magic Number
A term used by programmers to describe a number that makes the program work,
but it is not obvious how this value was calculated.
A series of instructions in Java that performs a specific task.
Method Call
A Java statement that executes a method, which causes all of the statements
inside that method to be executed.
Method Header
The first line of a method, which gives important information about the method including its name.
Method Overloading
The ability to define two or more different methods with the same name but
different method signatures.
Method Signature
The name of a method, together with the data types of all its parameters.
In Java the method signature does not include the return type
of the method. Two methods with the same name and the same number of parameters have a different
signature if the types of the parameters are different.
A special value used in object variables that indicates that the variable points to nothing.
null is a literal and serves the same function for pointers
that 0 does for integers.
A section of a computer's RAM that holds data about some thing, and the
methods that act on that data.
Objects only exist when the program that creates them is running.
Object File
A file created by running the Java compiler on a file containing Java source code.
This file consists of bytecodes which the Java interpreter,
java, can execute directly.
To identify the set of parameters necessary for a method to accomplish its task.
The location of a file, specified by the list of the directories that you must go through to get to the file.
Path of Execution
The list of statements that are executed during the running of a program.
The path to a file followed by the name of the file. The pathname uniquely specifies a file.
A group of characters within a larger string that stands in
place of a specific value which is added later.
The rules that determine the order in which operators are used when evaluating an expression.
Priming the Loop
Initializing a variable used in the test condition for a loop before entering the loop.
Primitive Data Type
One of the two categories of data types in Java, the other being objects.
A primitive data type can only hold one value.
Text printed to output before waiting for input from the user that tells the user that input is expected.
A good prompt will tell the user exactly what input is required.
Post-decrement Operator
The pre-increment operator, --> , appears after
the variable and means subtracting 1 from the value of a variable
after it is evaluated.
Post-increment Operator
The post-increment operator, ++ , appears after
the variable and means adding 1 to the value of a variable
after it is evaluated.
A condition that must be true before a method executes in order to guarantee
that the method can perform its task.
Pre-decrement Operator
The pre-increment operator, --> , appears before
the variable and means subtracting 1 from the value of a variable
before it is evaluated.
Pre-increment Operator
The pre-increment operator, ++ , appears before
the variable and means adding 1 to the value of a variable
before it is evaluated.
A list of instructions to be carried out by a computer.
Program Execution
The act of carrying out the instructions contained in a program.
Text requesting input from the user.
English-like descriptions of what the program needs to do.
This text can be slowly translated into Java statements.
Pseudorandom Numbers
Numbers that, although they are derived from predictable and well-defined
algorithms, mimic the properties of numbers chosen at random.
Random Access
Accessing a series of values by selecting individual items without regard to their order.
The process of making small changes in a program, to make it easier to read and maintain,
without changing how it works.
Reference Semantics
A system in which references to values are stored and copying is achieved
by copying these references. Types that use reference semantics are called
reference types.
Relational Operator
An operator that compares two values and evaluates to true or false.
Relative Path
The list of directories, starting with the current directory, that leads to the directory holding a specific file.
Remainder Operator
In Java, % is the remainder operator, which
gives the remainder when one number is divided by another.
Sending a value computed inside a method back to the statement that called the method.
void methods do not return any value.
Return Type
The data type of the value returned by a method.
The return type must be specified in the method header.
Roundoff Error
A numerical error that occurs when decimal numbers have more digits
after the decimal point than can fit in the space that Java sets
aside for a double variable.
The ability of a program to run properly even when presented with illegal data.
Runtime Error
A logic error that is so severe,
that the Java interpreter stops your program from running.
Accessing the values in a list or array in a sequential manner, from first to last.
A special value that signals the end of input.
Source Code
A text file that contains statements written in a computer language.
SSH Protocol
A protocol that allow one computer to connect to a Unix machine on a network.
SSH Client
Software that uses the SSH protocol to allow a user on one machine to connect to a
Unix machine. There are many ssh clients for Windows, but a good one is PuTTY. On a Mac you can use the
Unix ssh utility.
Short-Circuited Evaluation
The property of the logical operators && and || that prevents the second
operand from being evaluated if the overall result is obvious from the
value of the first operand.
The list of methods that were called before a runtime error in reverse order.
Standard Input Stream
An input communication channel that is setup between a computer program and its environment when
when the program begins execution.
Standard Out
Another name for the standard output stream.
Standard Output Stream
An output communication channel that is setup between a computer program and its environment when
when the program begins execution. It is also known as standard_out.
One or more lines of code that perform a complete action.
A statement that can fit on a single line is a simple statement.
A statement that cannot be written on a single line is a
compound statement.
Static Class
A Java class that cannot be used to create an object.
A static class only contains methods and constants.
Static Method
A Java method that does is not use or change the data in any object
created by the class in which it was defined.
String Concatenation
Combining several strings into a new string, or combining a string with values of
other data types into a new, longer string.
String Literal
A group of characters written out inside a program.
A collection of characters, e.g. "Java".
Syntax Error
Errors produced by code that does not obey the rules of the Java language.
To create an exception. This is done by the Java interpreter
when a runtime error is detected. Java also allows the programmer to throw an exception
within the Java code.
throws Clause
A declaration that a method will not attempt to handle a particular type of exception.
It uses the following format
A token is a string of characters in the input, marked off by special characters,
usually whitespace.
Token-Based Processing
Processing input token by token, that is, one word or number at a time.
Tokenizing the Input
The process by which an input line is broken up into tokens.
Try Block
The first code block in a try/catch
statement. When the Java interpreter comes across an exception
inside the try block of a try/catch statement, it does not cause
a runtime error. Instead, it stops executing the code in
the try block and tries to find a catch block that
looks for the particular type of exception that was thrown.
A type of programming language which requires the programmer to use
the correct data type for every value and prohibits action which
make no sense for that type of data.
An operator that has only one operand, for example
the minus sing, - .
The condition of a variable just after it has been declared and holds no useful data.
Value Semantics
A system in which values are stored directly and copying is achieved by
creating independent copies of values. Types that use value semantics are
called value types.
A location in the computer's memory that has a name and holds a single value.
In Java, each variable has a specific data type.
Variable Declaration
A request to the compiler to set aside space in memory for a new variable
with a specific name and data type.
Variable declarations have the following format in Java
Spaces, tab characters, and newline characters.
Zero-Based Indexing
A numbering scheme, used throughout Java, in which a sequence of values
is numbered starting with 0 (element 0, element 1, element 2, and so on).