LoopHomework 5 is due this Sunday at 11:59 PM.
You will find the assignment here.
If you have a problem or a question, make a post on the Class Discussion Area.
Description | Operators |
Unary operators | ++ -- |
Multiplicative operators | * / % |
Additive operators | + - |
Relational operators | < > <= >= |
Equality operators | == != |
Method | What it does |
Math.abs() | Absolute value |
Math.max() | The greater of two numbers |
Math.min() | The lesses of two numbers |
Math.sqrt() | Square root |
Math.cbrt() | Cube root |
Math.random() | A random number between 0.0 and 1.0 |
Math.log() | Natural logarithm |
Math.log10() | Base 10 logarithm |
Math.cos() | Cosine |
Math.sin() | Sine |
Math.tan() | Tangent |
Constant | What it is |
Math.PI | π - The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter |
Math.E | e - The base of the natural logarithms |
but I needed an int
I would write
(int) num
(and) operator returns true if both its
operands are true
5 > 4 && 4 > 2 : true
returns false
5 > 4 && 4 < 2 : false
5 < 4 && 4 < 2 : false
(or) operator returns true if either of its operands are true
5 > 4 || 4 < 2 : true
5 < 4 || 4 < 2: false
(not) operator takes only one operand and reverses its value! 5 > 4: false
! 5 < 4: true
p | q | p && q |
true | true | true |
true | false | false |
false | true | false |
false | false | false |
p | q | p || q |
true | true | true |
true | false | true |
false | true | true |
false | false | false |
p | ! p |
true | false |
false | true |
a > b && c > d
to return truea > b || c > dand the first expression is true, the result of the whole expression will be true
a + b > c and c * d < athere are three different kind of operators
! | Logical NOT |
* / % | Multiplication, division and remainder |
+ - | Addition and subtraction |
> < >= <= | Relational Operators |
== != | Equality Operators |
&& | Logical AND |
|| | Logical OR |
loop is a counted loopwhile
loop has the following format
interpreter comes to a while
loop it evaluates the BOOLEAN_EXPRESSION
public class DiceGame {
public static void main (String[] args){
int die_1 = rand_int(7, 1);
int die_2 = rand_int(7, 1);
int total = die_1 + die_2;
System.out.println(die_1 + " " + die_2 + " -> " + total);
while (total != 7){
die_1 = rand_int(7, 1);
die_2 = rand_int(7, 1);
total = die_1 + die_2;
System.out.println(die_1 + " " + die_2 + " -> " + total);
System.out.println("Game over");
public static int rand_int(int max, int min){
double value = Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
return (int) value;
$ java DiceGame 5 1 -> 6 4 5 -> 9 2 3 -> 5 5 5 -> 10 3 5 -> 8 5 2 -> 7 Game over
Loopint die_1 = rand_int(7, 1); int die_2 = rand_int(7, 1); int total = die_1 + die_2; ... while (total != 7){ die_1 = rand_int(7, 1); die_2 = rand_int(7, 1); total = die_1 + die_2;
do {
and the while
loop is when the boolean expression is
loop the code block is only executed
if the boolean expression is true
loop the loop
body is always executed at least once
public class DiceGame2 { public static void main (String[] args){ int die_1, die_2, total; do { die_1 = rand_int(7, 1); die_2 = rand_int(7, 1); total = die_1 + die_2; System.out.println(die_1 + " " + die_2 + " -> " + total); } while (total != 7); System.out.println("Game over"); } public static int rand_int(int max, int min){ double value = Math.random() * (max - min) + min; return (int) value; } }
$ java DiceGame2 3 3 -> 6 2 2 -> 4 2 5 -> 7 Game over