IT 114: Introduction to Java
Class 43



Final Exam

The final exam will be given on Friday, May 22nd starting at 11:30.

It will consist of questions like those on the quizzes, along with questions asking you to write short segments of Python code.

60% of the points on this exam will consist of questions from the Ungraded Class Quizzes.

Today's will be a review of the material covered since the midterm.

You will only be responsible for the material in today's Class Notes and the material in Class Notes 42.

The final will be an online exam.

At the moment I do not know the exact format that will be used, but I will send you an email with details on May 17th, the Sunday before the exam.



Syntax Errors

Logic Errors

Runtime Errors

Exceptions Objects

Catching Exceptions

Data Validation Loops


Types of Files

Getting Data From a File in Java

Using a Scanner Object with a File

Two Kinds of Java Exceptions

Reading a File with Scanner

Reading a Text File

Parsing Files with a Scanner object


Reading Records from a File

The Variables a Method Can See


Creating an ArrayList Object

Loading Values into an ArrayList

Looping Through an ArrayList

Creating an ArrayList from a File

Other ArrayList Methods

The add(value) Method

The get(index) Method

The remove(index) Method

The set(index, value) Method

ArrayList Search Methods

The contains(value) Method

Writing a Method to Read in Files

Stopping Execution of a Loop

The break Statement

The continue Statement

Object Oriented Programming

Objects and Values

Classes and Objects

Point Objects

Defining a Class


The Implicit Parameter

Mutators and Accessors

Classes for Other Programs To Use

Printing Objects



Scope Within Instance Methods

Scope Within the Same Method

Method Scope


Multiple Constructors



Data Hiding

Throwing an Exception

Hiding Methods

Time Accessors and Mutators

Thinking about Objects

Reusing Classes


Principles of Inheritance


Class Exercise