IT 114: Introduction to Java
Answers to Class 4 Ungraded Quiz

  1. What is the name of something in RAM that can hold more than one value?
    an object
  2. What is the name of code that defines that thing in RAM?
    a class
  3. What do you call one or more lines of code which represents a complete action?
    a statement
  4. What must appear at the end of each Java statement?
    ; (semicolon)
  5. Write the line of Java that will print "Hello world!"
    System.out.println("Hello world!");
  6. What do you call something that specifies the format for a particular type of data?
    a data type
  7. What kind of value can int hold?
    a counting number
  8. What kind of value can float hold?
    a decimal
  9. What kind of value can bool hold?
    only true or false
  10. What kind of value can char hold?
    a single character