IT 114: Introduction to Java
Answers to Class 5 Ungraded Quiz

  1. What do you call a place in RAM with a name that holds a single value?
    a variable
  2. What do you call it when you define a variable in Java?
    declare a variable
  3. What do you call it when you give a variable its first value?
    initialize a variable
  4. What are the four Java data types we will use in this class?
    int, float, boolean, char
  5. Write a statement that defines the integer variable number
    int number;
  6. Write a statement that gives the variable rate the value .05?
    rate = .05
  7. Write a statement that defines the boolean variable done and gives it the value false.
    bool done = false;
  8. Write the assignment operator in Java.
  9. What do you call a value that is written out directly inside a source code file?
    a literal
  10. Write the Java statement that prints the value of the variable interest.