IT 116: Introduction to Scripting
Class 5

Course Work

Tips and Examples


New Material


Graded Quiz

You can connect to Gradescope to take weekly graded quiz today during the last 15 minutes of the class.

Once you start the quiz you have 15 minutes to finish it.

You can only take this quiz today.

There is not makeup for the weekly quiz because Gradescope does not permit it.

Homework 3

I have posted homework 3 here.

It is due this coming Sunday at 11:59 PM.

Rules for Homework Scripts

You must follow certain rules when you create your homework scripts.

You will find those rules here.

Late Penalty

You will lose 2 points for every day that your assignment is late.

Every Unix file has a time stamp that changes every time the file is modified

I look at this time stamp to determine whether a submission is late.

If your assignment is not working by the due date, you can continue to work on it but you will lose a few points.

If your assignment is working, do not go back and change it, because that will change the time stamp and result in a late penalty.

Do Not Email Me about Missing Assignments

If you get an email from me saying an assignment is missing do not email me about this.

I get far too many emails.

Instead of sending me an email, fix the problem.

If you do not know how to fix it, post a question on Piazza or contact the Class Assistant.

I collect homework assignments and and check Class Exercises several times during the week.

I will check or collect your assignment later in the week.

Class Exercises

Scripts for each Class Exercise must have the correct filename and be in the right directory or my scripts will not see them.

If my scripts do not see them, your score with be zero.

If you receive no email from me about your Class Exercise script, that means your script will get full credit, less any late penalty that applies.


Are there any questions before I begin?

Course Work

Importance of Exams

Preparing for Exams

Tips and Examples

Do Not Fall Behind in This Course

Read the Homework Assignments Carefully




Variable Naming Rules

Choosing Good Variable Names

Numeric Data Types and Literals

Conversion Functions

Reading Input from the Keyboard

Reading Numbers with the input Function


New Material

Performing Calculations

Decimal and Integer Division

Exponent Operator

Remainder Operator

Operator Precedence

Grouping with Parentheses

Mixed-Type Expressions and Data Type Conversion

Breaking Long Statements into Multiple Lines

Expressions inside Expressions

Converting Algebra Into Python

Turning a Formula into a Python Program

Class Exercise

Class Quiz