And not in
OperatorsYou can connect to Gradescope to take weekly graded quiz today during the last 15 minutes of the class.
Once you start the quiz you have 15 minutes to finish it.
You can only take this quiz today.
There is not makeup for the weekly quiz because Gradescope does not permit it.
I have posted a solution to homework 2 here.
Let's take a look.
I have posted homework 4 here.
It is due this coming Sunday at 11:59 PM.
Are there any questions before I begin?
statements>>> students = {} >>> students["09329034"] = ("Jane", "Adams","") >>> students["09929034"] = ("Alexander", "Smith","") >>> students["05431692"] = ("Christopher", "Cannon","") >>> students["07511379"] = ("Joseph", "Malloney","") >>> students["04175276"] = ("James", "Reynolds","")
loop ...>>> for id in students: ... print(id, students[id]) ... 09329034 ('Jane', 'Adams', '') 09929034 ('Alexander', 'Smith', '') 05431692 ('Christopher', 'Cannon', '') 07511379 ('Joseph', 'Malloney', ' 04175276 ('James', 'Reynolds', '')
takes as an argument anything
that can be used in a for
loop ...
on a list of numbers
>>> nums = [5,8,2,6,1,9,3]
>>> sorted(nums) [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9]
>>> sorted(students) ['04175276', '05431692', '07511379', '09329034', '09929034']
in a for
loop over
a dictionary
>>> for id in sorted(students): ... print(id, students[id]) ... 04175276 ('James', 'Reynolds', '') 05431692 ('Christopher', 'Cannon', '') 07511379 ('Joseph', 'Malloney', '') 09329034 ('Jane', 'Adams', '') 09929034 ('Alexander', 'Smith', '')
on a dictionary to create a sorted list
of keys
>>> sorted_ids = sorted(students) >>> sorted_ids ['04175276', '05431692', '07511379', '09329034', '09929034']
>>> sorted_ids.reverse() >>> sorted_ids ['09929034', '09329034', '07511379', '05431692', '04175276']
>>> for id in sorted_ids: ... print(id, students[id]) ... 09929034 ('Alexander', 'Smith', '') 09329034 ('Jane', 'Adams', '') 07511379 ('Joseph', 'Malloney', '') 05431692 ('Christopher', 'Cannon', '') 04175276 ('James', 'Reynolds', '')
And not in
>>> numbers [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] >>> 5 in numbers True >>> 6 in numbers False
not in
operator tells us whether a value is
not found in a list
>>> 5 not in numbers False >>> 6 not in numbers True
and in
together make a single
>>> words_integers {'three': 3, 'five': 5, 'two': 2, 'one': 1, 'four': 4} >>> "three" in words_integers True >>> 3 in words_integers False
where DICTIONARY_NAME is a variable that points
to the dictionary object
>>> words_integers {'three': 3, 'five': 5, 'two': 2, 'one': 1, 'four': 4} >>> del words_integers["five"] >>> words_integers {'three': 3, 'two': 2, 'one': 1, 'four': 4}
del words_integers["six"]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
KeyError: 'six'
function can be used with a dictionary>>> email_addresses {'Chris': '', 'Alan': ''} >>> len(email_addresses) 2 >>> words_integers {'five': 5, 'one': 1, 'six': 6, 'two': 2, 'four': 4, 'three': 3} >>> len(words_integers) 6
and while
statements both need
boolean expressions
value == 0 answer == "" num != 0
>>> value = "" >>> if value: ... print("True") ... else: ... print("False") ... False
>>> value = "x" >>> if value: ... print("True") ... else: ... print("False") ... True
>>> def true_or_false(value): ... if value: ... print("True") ... else: ... print("False") ...
>>> true_or_false(0) False >>> true_or_false(0.0) False
>>> true_or_false(1) True >>> true_or_false(4) True
>>> true_or_false(-1) True >>> true_or_false(-100) True
>>> file = open("students.txt", "r") >>> file <_io.TextIOWrapper name="students.txt" mode="r" encoding="UTF-8"> >>> true_or_false(file) True
points to nothingNone
is false
>>> true_or_false(None) False
>>> strings_integers = {"one":1, "two":2, "three":3} >>> strings_integers["three"] 3 >>> integers_strings = {1:"one", 2:"two", 3:"three"} >>> integers_strings[3] "three" >>> floats_strings = {1.0:"one", 2.0:"two", 3.0:"three"} >>> floats_strings[3.0] "three" >>> tuples_integers = {(1,1):1, (2,2):2, (3,3):3} >>> tuples_integers[(3,3)] 3 >>>
>>> lists_integers = {[1,1]:1, [2,2]:2, [3,3]:3}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File <stdin>, line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unhashable type: "list"
>>> jumble = {1:1, 2:2.0, 3:"three", 4:(4,4), 5:[5]} >>> for key in jumble: ... print(jumble[key]) ... 1 2.0 three (4, 4) [5]
>>> jumble_2 = {1:1, 2.0:2, "3":3} >>> for key in jumble_2: ... print(jumble_2[key]) ... 1 2 3
Method | Description |
clear() | Clears the contents of a dictionary. |
get(key) | Gets the value associated with a specified key. If the key is not found, the method does not raise an exception. Instead, it returns a default value. |
pop(key) | Returns the value associated with a specified key and removes that key-value pair from the dictionary. If the key is not found, the method returns a default value. |
popitem() | Returns a randomly selected key-value pair as a tuple from the dictionary and removes that key-value pair from the dictionary. |
items() | Returns all the keys in a dictionary and their associated values. |
keys() | Returns all the keys in a dictionary. |
values() | Returns all the values in the dictionary. |
method removes all entries from a directory>>> quiz_scores {"Mary Jones": [98, 95, 93, 92], "Tim Tyler": [88, 81, 79, 85], "John Smith": [100, 90, 85]}
>>> quiz_scores.clear() >>> quiz_scores {}
>>> quiz_scores = {}
>>> quiz_scores {"John Smith": [100, 90, 85], "Tim Tyler": [88, 81, 79], "Mary Jones": [98, 95, 93]} >>> id(quiz_scores) 139691305684744
>>> quiz_scores.clear() >>> id(quiz_scores) 140083427949384 >>> quiz_scores {}
quiz_scores = {}
>>> id(quiz_scores) 140083428105992
>>> scores = quiz_scores["Mary Jones"] >>> scores [98, 95, 93]
>>> scores = quiz_scores["Mary Jonez"]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File <stdin>, line 1, in <module>
KeyError: "Mary Jonez"
>>> scores = quiz_scores.get("Mary Jones") >>> scores [98, 95, 93]
>>> scores = quiz_scores.get("Mary Jonez") >>> print(scores) None
loop there would be no reason to
use get
>>> for key in quiz_scores: ... print(key, ":", quiz_scores[key]) ... Tim Tyler : [88, 81, 79] Mary Jones : [98, 95, 93] John Smith : [100, 90, 85]
>>> def get_score(key): ... score = quiz_scores.get(key) ... if score: ... return score ... else: ... print(key, "is not a valid key") ... >>>
>>> get_score("Mary Jones") [98, 95, 93]
>>> get_score("Mary Jonez") Mary Jonez is not a valid key
>>> quiz_scores {"Mary Jones": [98, 95, 93], "Tim Tyler": [88, 81, 79], "John Smith": [100, 90, 85]} >>> quiz_scores.pop("Mary Jones") [98, 95, 93] >>> quiz_scores {"Tim Tyler": [88, 81, 79], "John Smith": [100, 90, 85]}
>>> quiz_scores {"Tim Tyler": [88, 81, 79], "John Smith": [100, 90, 85]} >>> quiz_scores.popitem() ("Tim Tyler", [88, 81, 79])
>>> quiz_scores {"John Smith": [100, 90, 85]}
>>> names_usernames {"Mary Jones": "mjones", "John Smith": "wombat", "Tim Tyler": "ttyler"} >>> items = names_usernames.items() >>> items [('Mary Jones', 'mjones'), ('John Smith', 'wombat'), ('Tim Tyler', 'ttyler')]
>>> names_usernames
{"Mary Jones": "mjones", "Tim Tyler": "ttyler", "John Smith": "wombat"}
>>> items = names_usernames.items()
>>> items
dict_items([("Mary Jones", "mjones"), ("Tim Tyler", "ttyler"), ("John Smith", "wombat")])
are one member of a family of data types called
view objects
>>> items = names_usernames.items() >>> type(items) <type "list">
>>> names_usernames["Fred Farnsworth"] = "fredster" >>> names_usernames {"Fred Farnsworth": "fredster", "Mary Jones": "mjones", "John Smith": "wombat", "Tim Tyler": "ttyler"}
>>> items [("Mary Jones", "mjones"), ("John Smith", "wombat"), ("Tim Tyler", "ttyler")]
view object will show the new
>>> names_usernames {"Mary Jones": "mjones", "Tim Tyler": "ttyler", "John Smith": "wombat"} >>> names_usernames["Fred Farnsworth"] = "fredster" >>> items dict_items([("Mary Jones", "mjones"), ("Fred Farnsworth", "fredster"), ("Tim Tyler", "ttyler"), ("John Smith", "wombat")])
>>> listing[0]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: "dict_items" object does not support indexing
for pair in items: ... print(pair) ... ("Mary Jones", "mjones") ("John Smith", "wombat") ("Tim Tyler", "ttyler") ("Fred Farnsworth", "fredster") >>> for pair in listing: ... print("key:", pair[0], "value", pair[1]) ... key: Mary Jones value mjones key: John Smith value wombat key: Tim Tyler value ttyler key: Fred Farnsworth value fredster
>>> names_usernames.keys() ["Fred Farnsworth", "Mary Jones", "John Smith", "Tim Tyler"]
>>> names_usernames.keys()
dict_keys(["Mary Jones", "John Smith", "Tim Tyler", "Fred Farnsworth"])
>>> names_usernames.values() ["fredster", "mjones", "wombat", "ttyler"]
view object
>>> names_usernames.values()
dict_values(["mjones", "wombat", "ttyler", "fredster"])
<li class="flat"><a href="#collecting_testing_assignments">Collecting and Testing Assignments</a></li> <li class="flat"><a href="#notifying_missing_work">Notifying You About Missing Work</a></li> <li class="flat"><a href="#late_work">Late Work</a>
"collecting_testing_assignments": "Collecting and Testing Assignments" "notifying_missing_work": "Notifying You About Missing Work" "late_work": "Late Work"
<h4 class="topic" id="collecting_testing_assignments">Collecting and Testing Assignments</h4> <h4 class="topic" id="notifying_missing_work">Notifying You About Missing Work</h4> <h4 class="topic" id="late_work">Late Work</h4>
"collecting_testing_assignments": "Collecting and Testing Assignments" "notifying_missing_work": "Notifying You About Missing Work" "late_work": "Late Work"