IT 117: Intermediate Scripting
Class 19
Tips and Examples
New Material
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Solution to Homework 7
I have posted a solution to homework 7
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Homework 9
I have posted homework 9
It is due this coming Sunday at 11:59 PM.
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Tips and Examples
TypeError When Creating Objects
The Constructor Is Special
- A
is a
that creates an object
- And returns a pointer to the object
- It has no
- Every time you create a class you should have a constructor
Defining a Class
- The general format for a class is
def __init__(self[, PARAMETER, ...]):
def METHOD_NAME(self[, PARAMETER, ...]):
- By convention, all class names in Python are Capitalized
- A class definition consists of a number of methods
- One of which has the special name __init__
- This method is a constructor, which is used to create the object
- The class is the template used to create the object
- The object is section of RAM ...
- that can hold many values ...
- and the
that work on these values
- Objects do not have a name
- They only have a location in memory
- This location is stored in an object variable
- We use this variable to work with the object
- A class is the code used to create the object
Creating An Object from A Class
The self Variable
The Time Class
- Let's create another class, Time
- The constructor takes a time string using the format
- HH is the hours on a 24 hour clock with values from 0
to 23
- MM is a two digit minute and SS is a two digit second
- Their values range from 0 to 59
- Here is the Time constructor
# expects a string of the form HH:MM:SS
# where hours are expressed in numbers from 0 to 23
def __init__(self, time_string):
self.hours, self.minutes, self.seconds = time_string.split(":")
self.hours = int(self.hours)
self.minutes = int(self.minutes)
self.seconds = int(self.seconds)
- Let's also create the format_time method
- This method will give us a nicely formated string representing the time
# returns a string in the form HH:MM:SS AM/PM
def format_time(self):
hours = self.hours
am_pm = "AM"
if hours > 12:
hours -= 12
am_pm = "PM"
return str(hours) + ":" + str(self.minutes) + ":" + str(self.seconds) + " " + am_pm
- The variables hours and
am_pm are local variables ...
- not attributes
- They only exist when the method is run
- We can use format_time as follows
>>> t1 = Time("10:45:30")
>>> t1.format_time()
'10:45:30 AM'
- Let's now add the method difference.
- It will return the difference between two times in seconds
# returns the difference in seconds between two times
def difference(self, other_time):
seconds = (self.hours - other_time.hours) * 60 * 60
seconds += (self.minutes - other_time.minutes) * 60
seconds += self.seconds - other_time.seconds
return seconds
- We can use this method as follows
>>> midnight = Time("00:00:00")
>>> t2 = Time("03:04:13")
>>> t2.difference(midnight)
Changing the Attributes of a Class
- Classes have many advantages
- One is that we can change the internals of an object ...
- without affecting the client code that uses the object
- But to do this we must make sure ...
- that all the methods give the same results
- In the Time class we represented time with three
- Instead of using three attributes we can use only one,
- It will store the number of seconds since midnight
- This will make the difference calculation easier
- The first thing we need to do is to change the constructor
- It will still take a time string ...
- and turn it into integer values for
hours, minutes
and seconds
- But these now will be variables that are local to the constructor
- Here is the new code for the constructor
# expects a string of the form HH:MM:SS
# where hours are expressed in numbers from 0 to 23
def __init__(self, time_string):
hours, minutes, seconds = time_string.split(":")
hours = int(hours)
minutes = int(minutes)
seconds = int(seconds)
self.seconds = hours * 60 * 60 + minutes * 60 + seconds
- Now we need to modify format_time to use seconds
- Here is the new code for format_time
# returns a string in the form HH:MM:SS AM/PM
def format_time(self):
hours = self.seconds // (60 * 60)
remainder = self.seconds % (60 * 60)
minutes = remainder // 60
seconds = remainder % 60
am_pm = "AM"
if hours > 12:
hours -= 12
am_pm = "PM"
return str(hours) + ":" + str(minutes) + ":" + str(seconds ) + " " + am_pm
- The modified code is shown in red
- We also have to modify difference
- But here the code is much simpler
# returns the difference in seconds between two times
def difference(self, other_time):
return self.seconds - other_time.seconds
- other_time is a pointer to the
second time object
New Material
Accessing Attributes Directly
Data Hiding
- By default, client code can use a variable that points to an object ...
- to change the value of any attribute
- This might seem harmless
- But it can lead to trouble
- The first version of our Time class had three
- Each of these attributes can be accessed using dot notation
>>> t1 = Time("14:35:12")
>>> t1.hours
>>> t1.minutes
>>> t1.seconds
- Since attributes are variables ...
- we can change them directly
>>> t1.hours = 15
>>> t1.minutes = 14
>>> t1.seconds = 13
>>> t1.format_time()
'3:14:13 PM'
- But the latest version of the Time class has one
>>> t1 = Time("14:35:12")
>>> t1.seconds
'2:35:12 PM'
- A user can certainly change that value
- But it would take some calculating to get the right value for
- And it would be easy to make a mistake
- Worse than that, they might enter a totally ridiculous value
>>> t1.seconds = 1000000000
>>> t1.format_time()
'277765:46:40 PM'
- We should prevent things like this from happening
- To do so we have to change the class
- so the client code cannot change the attributes directly
- This is called
data hiding
- We hide attributes from the client code by changing their names
- Any attribute whose name begins with two underscores,
__ ...
- will be invisible to the client code
- Let's create a third version of our Time class
- In this version the name of the attribute will be
- The constructor will now look like this
# expects a string of the form HH:MM:SS
# where hours are expressed in numbers from 0 to 23
def __init__(self, time_string):
hours, minutes, seconds = time_string.split(":")
hours = int(hours)
minutes = int(minutes)
seconds = int(seconds )
self.__seconds = hours * 60 * 60 + minutes * 60 + seconds
- It is no longer possible to access attributes directly
>>> t1 = Time("14:35:12")
>>> t1.__seconds
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'Time' object has no attribute '__seconds '
- But the methods still work the way they are supposed to ...
- as long as we change
- With this slight alteration the new method works the same as the
older version
>>> t1.format_time()
'2:35:12 PM'
The __str__ Method
- Python classes can have certain methods that are not only hidden ...
- they are not called directly
- These methods have __ at the beginning and end of
their names
- They are sometime called
magic methods
- or dunder methods
- Dunder stands for "double underscore"
- These methods are never called directly by name
- Instead they are called whenever some action is taken
- They are called implicitly ...
- not explicitly
- __init__ is an example of a magic method
- The most commonly used magic method after
__init__ ...
- is __str__
- When the a Time object is created in the client
t1 = Time("11:54:12")
- The __init__ method of Time
is called
- Similarly, whenever you try to print an object
- its __str__ method is called ...
- if it has such a method
- __str__ creates a string representation of the object
- At the moment, the Time class has no
- If we create a Time object and print it here is what
we get
>>> t = Time("09:30:00")
>>> print(t)
<time_3.Time object at 0x1013e8358>
- The __str__ method must return a string ...
- that serves as a good representation of the object
- It is secretly called every time you print an object of the class ...
- or use the object where a string is required
- We can create an __str__ method for
Time ...
- by changing the name of the format_time method to
# returns a string formated as follows
# H[H] hours M[M] minutes S[S] seconds
def format_seconds (seconds ):
hours = seconds // (60 * 60)
remainder = seconds % (60 * 60)
minutes = remainder // 60
seconds = remainder % 60
return str(hours) + ' hours ' + str(minutes)+ ' minutes ' + str(seconds ) + ' seconds s
- This __str__ method will be called ...
- whenever we print an object
>>> print("Here is the time object we just created: ", t)
Here is the time object we just created: 9:30:0 AM
Accessor and Mutator Methods
- A well designed class hides its attributes
- But the client code might need the values they contain
- To make this happen we need a method for each attribute ...
- that the client code will be allowed to see and use
- These methods are called
- It is common practice for the name of an accessor to begin with "get" ...
- followed by the attribute name ...
- without the initial __
- So another name for an accessor is a
- Let's say you need to keep track of each computer in an office
- You would need to record the following information about each machine
- Manufacturer
- Model
- Serial number
- Processor
- Hostname
- Disk size
- The first thing we need to do is create a constructor
def __init__(self, manufacturer, model, serial_number, processor, ram, hostname, disk_size):
self.__manufacturer = manufacturer
self.__model = model
self.__serial_number = serial_number
self.__processor = processor
self.__ram = ram
self.__hostname = hostname
self.__disk_size = disk_size
- Since all the attributes are hidden we need to create an accessor for each
def get_manufacturer(self):
return self.__manufacturer
def get_model(self):
return self.__model
def get_serial_number(self):
return self.__serial_number
def get_processor(self):
return self.__processor
def get_processor(self):
return self.__processor
def get_ram(self):
return self.__ram
def get_hostname(self):
return self.__hostname
def get_disk_size(self):
return self.__disk_size
- The values of the following attributes should never change
- __manufacturer
- __model
- __serial_number
- __processor
- That is one of the reasons we hide attributes
- You wouldn't want someone to write code that would change the serial number
- But some attributes could change with time
- __ram
- __hostname
- __disk_size
- These attributes are hidden
- So they cannot be changed directly outside the class
- We need special methods to change each of these values
- Such methods are called
- It common practice is to name mutator method with "set"
- Followed by the attribute name without the leading __
- So mutators are sometimes called
- Here are the mutators for the Computer class
def set_ram(self, ram):
self.__ram = ram
def set_hostname(self, hostname):
self.__hostname = hostname
def set_disk_size(self, disk_size):
self.__disk_size = disk_siz
Data Validation in The Constructor
- The new Time constructor works ...
- but it is not very smart
- I can give it any values I want for the time
- Even ones that are ridiculous
>>> t1 = Time("500:3000:120000")
- When I do this, some functions don't work properly
>>> t1.format_time()
'571:20:0 PM'
- The constructor needs to check the input it is given
- It should do this before it sets the attribute values
- Checking that values make sense before you use them ...
- is called
data validation
- We have to be careful when changing the constructor
- So we will proceed in a step by step fashion
- First we need to be sure that time_string is
indeed a string
- We can do this with the built-in function
takes two arguments
- An object
- The name of a class
- It returns
if the object is an instance of the
>>> isinstance("14:35:12", str)
- What should we do if time_string is not a string?
- We could print an error message and quit
- But that is not the best way to go
- Instead we should raise an
- Exceptions allow a program to respond gracefully ...
- when unexpected things happen
- There are specific Python exceptions for different kinds of problems
- Here we need to raise a TypeError like this
if not isinstance(time_string, str):
raise TypeError("Time constructor expects a string argument")
- Now if we call the constructor and time_string
is not a string
- We get the following
>>> t1 = Time(55)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/Users/glenn/workspace-mars/it117/resources_it117/code_it117/example_code_it117/10_chapter_example_code/", line 13, in __init__
raise TypeError('Time constructor expects a string argument')
TypeError: Time constructor expects a string argument
- Next, we need to be sure that time_string has the
right format
- It must have two digits followed by a colon, : ...
- followed by two more digits and another colon ...
- then two more digits
- I don't want the constructor to get too large
- Because then it would be hard to read
- So I am going to place the code to check the format ...
- in a separate method called has_valid_format
- Here is the code
# returns true if the string has the form HH:MM:SS
def has_valid_format(s):
pattern = re.compile("\d\d:\d\d:\d\d")
match = pattern.match(s)
return match
- Here we use regular expressions to try to match the string ...
- and return a pointer to the match object
- If the format is good, this variable will point to a real object ...
- and the calling statement will interpret this as
- If the string does not have right format ...
- the value of match will be
is interpreted as False
in an if
- We also need to make sure that the hours value is between 0 and 23 ...
- and the minutes and seconds are between 0 and 59
- To do this I am going to create a new method
# returns true if the numbers for hours, minutes and seconds
# are within the proper range
def time_numbers_in_range(hours, minutes, seconds ):
if not 0 <= hours <= 23:
return False
if not 0 <= minutes <= 59:
return False
if not 0 <= seconds <= 59:
return False
return True
- Of course, we have to change the constructor to use these new methods
# expects a string of the form HH:MM:SS
# where hours are expressed in numbers from 0 to 23
def __init__(self, time_string):
if not isinstance(time_string, str):
raise TypeError("Time constructor expects a string argument")
if not self.has_valid_format(time_string):
raise ValueError("String must have the format HH:MM:SS")
hours, minutes, seconds = time_string.split(":")
hours = int(hours)
minutes = int(minutes)
seconds = int(seconds )
if not self.time_numbers_in_range(hours, minutes, seconds ):
raise ValueError("One of the time values is not in the proper range")
self.__seconds = hours * 60 * 60 + minutes * 60 + seconds
Hiding Methods
- An attribute is invisible outside the class ...
- if it's name begins with two underscores, __
- This also works for methods
- In the example above we created two methods
- has_valid_format
- time_numbers_in_range
- These methods are only used by the constructor
- They are not intended for use outside the class
- So we should hide them by adding __ ...
- to the beginning of their names
- Most methods in a class will be used by the client code
- But any method not needed by the client code ...
- should be hidden
- A class should be a black box
- It should have specified inputs and outputs
- Users of the class do not need to know how it works
- Only what goes in ...
- and what comes out
The ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
Class Exercise
Class Quiz