IT 117: Intermediate Scripting
Class 21
Course Work
Tips and Examples
New Material
Graded Quiz
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today during the last 15 minutes of the class.
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Solution to Homework 8
I have posted a solution to homework 8
Let's take a look.
Homework 10
Homework 10 is posted
It is due this coming Sunday at 11:59 PM.
Are there any questions before I begin?
Course Work
- Comments are important
- But only when they are informative
- When they tell you something that might be hard to see otherwise
- For this reason certain methods do not need to be commented
- You do not need to write comments for the following
- Constructors
- Accessors
- Mutators
- Magic Methods
- Unless they do something unusual
Tips and Examples
Don't Use "(Object)" When Defining a Class
A Practical Example of A Class
- Let's create a Student class
- I need at least three values for each student
- Student ID
- Last Name
- First Name
- I will need other attributes for this class
- Preferred first name
- Phonetic spelling of the name
- Email address
- Unix username
- But they will be added later
- So the constructor sets them to the
empty string
- Here is the code for the constructor
def __init__(self, id, last_name, first_name):
self.__id = id
self.__last_name = last_name
self.__first_name = first_name
self.__preferred_name = ""
self.__phonetic_name = ""
self.__email = ""
self.__unix_username = ""
- I need
for each of these attributes
def get_id(self):
return self.__id
def get_last_name(self):
return self.__last_name
def get_first_name(self):
return self.__first_name
def get_preferred_name(self):
return self.__preferred_name
def get_phonetic_name(self):
return self.__phonetic_name
def get_email(self):
return self.__email
def get_unix_username(self):
return self.__unix_username
- The values for the last four attributes are set later ...
- after the object has been created
- So I have to create
for these attributes
def set_preferred_name(self, preferred_name):
self.__preferred_name = preferred_name
def set_phonetic_name(self, phonetic_name):
self.__phonetic_name = phonetic_name
def set_email(self, email):
self.__email = email
def set_unix_username(self, unix_username):
self.__unix_username = unix_username
Other Methods for the Student Class
- I need to create a __str__ method
for this class
def __str__(self):
return self.__first_name + " " + self.__last_name + ", " + self.__id
- Student also needs a method to return the full name
of the student
- We'll call this method get_full_name
- Normally this method will return a string consisting of the first name ...
- followed by a space ...
- followed by the last name
- But some students have a prefered first name
- In that case the prefered name will be used in place of the first name
- Here is the code
def get_full_name(self):
if self.__preferred_name:
return self.__preferred_name + " " + self.__last_name
return self.__first_name + " " + self.__last_name
- I also need a method get_sort_name
def get_sort_name(self):
if self.__preferred_name:
return self.__last_name + ", " + self.__preferred_name
return self.__last_name + ", " + self.__first_name
Storing Objects for Future Use
- In a previous class we wrote a script to create a dictionary of
Student objects
- But that dictionary disappeared after the script finished
- We need a way to store the students dictionary ...
- so we can use it at another time
- Most computer languages allow you to store an object on disk
- This process is called
- Python calls this process
- Every Python installation comes with a standard module named
- This module contains functions used to serialize an object
- First you must import the pickle module
import pickle
- To open a file for writing binary data we must use the
wb access mode
pickle_file = open(pickle_filename, "wb")
- To write an object to disk use the dump function
pickle.dump(students, pickle_file)
- Loading an object from a data file is a similar process
- First we open the file for binary reading
pickle_file = open(pickle_filename, "rb")
- Then we read the previously stored object using the
load function
students = pickle.load(pickle_file)
Import Statements and Global Variables
New Material
Magic Methods
- If the truth be told, every data type in Python is actually a class
- And all variables are instances of these classes
- When I write
x = 5
- The Python interpreter creates an integer object ...
- that holds the value 5 ...
- and the variable x that points to it
- But we can do things with numbers that do not involve using a method
- We can write expressions using arithmetic operators
x += 7
y = x + 8
x > y
- When I created the Time class
I added the difference method
- This method gives the difference between two Time
- I can get the difference between two Time objects
like this
diff = t1.difference(t2)
- But wouldn't it be better to be able to write
diff = t1 - t2
- We can if we create a
magic method
for the - operator
- For every arithmetic
there is an equivalent magic method
Operator | Magic Method |
+ |
__add__(self, other) |
| __sub__(self, other) |
* |
__mul__(self, other) |
// |
__floordiv__(self, other) |
/ |
__truediv__(self, other) |
% |
__mod__(self, other) |
** |
__pow__(self, other) |
- These magic methods allow us to use the ordinary
of arithmetic ...
- with objects of a class
- I can rename the difference method to
# returns the difference in seconds between two times
def __sub__(self, other_time):
return self.__seconds - other_time.__seconds
- Now we can use the subtraction operator, - ,
with Time objects
>>> t1 = Time("10:45:10")
>>> t2 = Time("10:50:00")
>>> t2 - t1
- When we write
>>> t2 - t1
- The Python interpreter calls __sub__
- So we can use any arithmetic operator on class objects ...
- as long as the class contains the appropriate magic method
Magic Methods and Boolean Operators
- Boolean operators
are used to compare two things
- All these operators have corresponding magic methods
- Here they are
Operator | Magic Method |
== |
__eq__(self, other) |
!= |
__ne__(self, other) |
< |
__lt__(self, other) |
> |
__gt__(self, other) |
<= |
__le__(self, other) |
>= |
__ge__(self, other) |
- Implementing these magic methods is straightforward
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.__seconds == other.__seconds
def __ne__(self, other):
return self.__seconds != other.__seconds
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.__seconds < other.__seconds
def __gt__(self, other):
return self.__seconds > other.__seconds
def __le__(self, other):
return self.__seconds <= other.__seconds
def __ge__(self,other):
return self.__seconds >= other.__seconds
- And they work as you would expect
>>> t1 = Time("10:45:10")
>>> t2 = Time("10:50:00")
>>> t3 = Time("10:50:00")
>>> t1 == t2
t2 == t3
>>> t1 < t2
>>> t1 > t2
>>> t1 <= t2
>>> t2 <= t3
>>> t1 >= t2
>>> t2 >= t3
Type Conversion Magic Methods
- Sometimes you want to convert a value of one type into another
- This is done using one of Python's conversion functions
- All of these have corresponding magic methods
Operator |
Magic Method |
int |
__int__(self) |
float |
__float__(self) |
bool |
__bool__(self) |
str |
__str__(self) |
- We have already implemented __str__
- How we implement each of the other magic methods is up to us
- The __seconds attribute holds an integer
- So the simplest way to implement __int__ is just to
return that value
def __int__(self):
return self.__seconds
- To turn an integer into a float all we have to do is multiply by 1.0
def __float__(self):
return self.__seconds * 1.0
- But what about __bool__?
- We are under no obligation to provide this method
- But it's a good idea to do so for completeness
- In Python, any integer that is not zero is considered to be
>>> bool(0)
>>> bool(5)
>>> bool(-5)
- So we can define the __bool__ method like this
def __bool__(self):
return self.__seconds != 0
- Here is how they work
>>> t1 = Time("10:15:00")
>>> t2 = Time("00:00:00")
>>> str(t1)
'10:15:0 AM'
>>> bool(t1)
>>> bool(t2)
>>> int(t1)
>>> int(t2)
>>> float(t1)
- You will find the code for the latest version of the
Time class
More Relational Magic Methods
- The relational magic methods for the Time class were
- We simply applied the normal relational operators to two integer second values
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.__seconds == other.__seconds
- But what if we have two objects that are not so easily compared?
- For example two Car objects?
- Let's say the Car class has the following attributes
- __manufacturer
- __model
- __year
- __color
- What makes two Car objects equal?
- Do all of the attributes have to be equal?
- The decision is up to the programmer
- And depends on what the class will be used for
- Two cars could be equal equal if they had the same manufacturer and model
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.__manufacturer == other.get_manufacturer() and self.__model == other.get_model()
def __ne__(self, other):
return self.__manufacturer != other.get_manufacturer() or self.__model != other.get_model()
- Running the following test code
c1 = Car("Honda", "CRV", "1997", "Blue")
c2 = Car("Honda", "CRV", "2010", "Green")
c3 = Car("Honda", "Civic", "2015", "Red")
print("c1 == c2 :" , c1 == c2 )
print("c1 == c3 :" , c1 == c3 )
print("c1 != c3 :" , c1 != c3 )
- We get
Honda CRV 1997 Blue
Honda CRV 2010 Green
Honda Civic 2015 Red
c1 == c2 : True
c1 == c3 : False
c1 != c3 : True
Putting Test Code into Class Modules
- It is always a good idea to write test code for each class
- You could write this code as a separate script
- The script would have to import the class for testing
- But this means we need two separate files
- The class definition and the test script
- It would be simpler to put the test code in the class file
- But we have to be careful how we do this
- If we just copy the test code to the bottom of the file
- Importing the class will have side effects
- Anytime another script imports the class ...
- the test code would be run
- Here is an example
>>> from car4 import Car
Honda CRV 1997 Blue
Honda CRV 2010 Green
Honda Civic 2015 Red
c1 == c2 : True
c1 == c3 : False
c1 != c3 : True
- The test code runs as soon as we import the class
- We can prevent this from happening ...
- but we need to put this code inside a special
if __name__ == "__main__":
c1 = Car("Honda", "CRV", "1997", "Blue")
c2 = Car("Honda", "CRV", "2010", "Green")
c3 = Car("Honda", "Civic", "2015", "Red")
print("c1 == c2 :" , c1 == c2 )
print("c1 == c3 :" , c1 == c3 )
print("c1 != c3 :" , c1 != c3 )
- When we run the module at the command line the test code executes
$ ./
Honda CRV 1997 Blue
Honda CRV 2010 Green
Honda Civic 2015 Red
c1 == c2 : True
c1 == c3 : False
c1 != c3 : True
- But not when we import it
>>> from car3 import Car
Do No Harm
Class Exercise
Class Quiz