IT 117: Intermediate Scripting
Class 23
New Material
Graded Quiz 9
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Solution to Homework 9
I have posted a solution to homework 9
Let's take a look.
Homework 11
I have posted homework 11
This is the last homework assignment.
It is due this Sunday at 11:59 PM.
Are there any questions before I begin?
Principles of Inheritance
- For inheritance to work the two classes must have a certain relationship
- An "is a" relationship
- A truck is a vehicle
- So a Truck class can inherit from a
Vehicle class
- Truck will have all the attributes and methods of
- In addition to some new attributes and methods
- Whenever we use one class as the basis of another class
- We call the original class the
or the
base class
- The class which inherits is called the
derived class
- A subclass inherits all the attributes and methods of its superclass
An Example of Inheritance
- I have over 500 DVDs of various types
- Some are movies
- Others are television series such as Mythbusters or Nova
- I also have video lectures that I buy from The Great Courses
- I need to store different information for each type of video
- A Great Courses Video always contains 6 lessons
- Movies always have a director
- But TV series do not
The Video Class
- Let's start out by creating the superclass Video
- Here are the attributes
- Collection number
- Name
- Length
- Format
- The collection number is a unique number assigned to each video entry ...
- starting with 1
- Length is the running time in minutes
- The format can either be "DVD" or "Blue Ray"
- None of these attributes will change after they have been entered
- So I need no
- I only need
- and a
The Video Constructor
- You might think the constructor would look like this
def __init__(self, collection_no, name, length, format):
self.__collection_no = collection_no
self.__name = name
self.__length = length
self.__format = format
- But I need to make sure the values of the parameters are reasonable
- So I need to create some validation methods ...
- which will be called by the constuctor
Validation Methods for Video
- Although there are 4 attributes in the Video class
- The constructor will only require three values
- The value for collection_no will be calculated ...
- which I will do in the next section
- I have to specify the proper values for each parameter
- Here they are
- Name - a string of at least 3 characters that are
letters or digits
- Length - an integer ranging from 15 to 1000
- Format - "DVD" or "Blue Ray"
- __check_name has to count the
characters in name that are either
letters or digits
- We do this in a
loop using the string method
- If the number of characters is less than what is required ...
- the code will raise a ValueError exception
- The
global variable
will hold the minimum number of characters
- Here is the code
class Video:
def __check_name(self, name):
if type(name) is not str:
raise TypeError("Video constructor expects a string argument for name")
char_count = 0
for char in name:
if char.isalnum():
char_count += 1
if char_count < MIN_NAME_LENGTH:
raise ValueError("Name must have at least " + str(MIN_NAME_LENGTH) + \
" characters that are letters or digits")
- The value for the length attribute must be an
- Between 15 and 1000
- Here is the code
class Video:
def __check_length(self, length):
if type(length) is not int:
raise TypeError("Video constructor expects a integer argument for length")
if length < MIN_NAME_LENGTH or length > MAX_LENGTH:
raise ValueError("Length must be at least " + str(MIN_LENGTH) +
" and no more than " + str(MAX_LENGTH))
- Format can be either "DVD" or "Blue Ray"
- FORMATS is a global variable holding the
legal values
- Here is the code
FORMATS = ("DVD", "Blue Ray")
class Video:
def __check_format(self, format):
if type(format) is not str:
raise TypeError("Video constructor expects a string argument for format")
if format not in FORMATS:
raise ValueError("Format must be one of " + str(FORMATS))
Calculating the Collection Number
- __collection_no should be calculated automatically
- I need to store the last number used
- This value will initially be set to zero ...
- and will be incremented for each video entry
- The value must remain even after the script ends
- So I will store it as a string in a file on disk
- The filename will be stored in the global variable
- __next_collection_no will
- Read the last number from the file
- Increment that number
- Save the new number to the file
- Return the new number to the calling function
- If the file does not exist, __next_collection_no
- Set the next number to 1
- Write the number to the file
- Return the number
- Here is the code
# reads the last collection number used from a file,
# increments that number and writes it back to the file
# and returns the incremented number
def __next_collection_no(self):
file = open(FILENAME, 'r')
collection_no = int(file.readline())
except FileNotFoundError:
collection_no = 1
collection_no += 1
file = open(FILENAME, 'w')
return collection_no
Writing he Video Constructor
- The constructor will first call the validation methods
- Then call __next_collection_no() ..
- and set the attributes
def __init__(self, name, length, format):
self.__collection_no = self.__next_collection_no()
self.__name = name
self.__length = length
self.__format = format
Video Accessors
The __str__ Method
New Material
The Movie Subclass
- Let's use Video to define specific subclasses
- Most of the entries in my video collection are movies
- Every movie entry will have the four attributes of the
Video class
- Collection number
- Name
- Length
- Format
- But it will also have the following additional attributes
- I must decide what attributes I want set by the constructor
- I certainly want it to set __director
and __studio
- But there will be many actors for each movie
- So I will add them later
- __actors will be a set
- Actors will be added to this set by a
Creating a Subclass
Creating a Constructor for a Subclass
- We need to give the Movie constructor 5 arguments
- name
- length
- format
- director
- studio
- But the Movie constructor will not set
the first three
- It will call the Video constructor to do that
- We need to use
dot notation
to call that constructor
- But what should we put before the dot?
- If you think about it, __init__ does not
belong to the object
- It belongs to the class itself
- So we refer to the __init__ method of the
Video class like this
- Then we need to set the Movie attributes
- The actors will be stored in a set
- And the names will be added after the constructor is called
- So at this point all we need to do is create an empty set
- Here is the code for the Movie constructor
def __init__(self, name, length, format, director, studio):
Video.__init__(self, name, length, format)
self.__director = director
self.__studio = studio
self.__actors = set()
- Which we test
>>> from movie import Movie
>>> m1 = Movie("Forbidden Planet", 98, "DVD", "Fred McLeod Wilcox", "MGM")
>>> str(m1)
'1: Forbidden Planet, 98 minutes, DVD'
- Notice that we did not have to create a __str__
method for Movie
- Movie is a subclass of
- So it inherits the __str__ method from
Video class ...
- along with the accessors
>>> m1.get_collection_no()
>>> m1.get_name()
'Forbidden Planet'
>>> m1.get_length()
>>> m1.get_format()
Movie Accessor Methods
- We need
for each of three new Movie attributes
def get_director(self):
return self.__director
def get_studio(self):
return self.__studio
def get_actors(self):
return self.__actors
- Which we test
>>> m1.get_director()
'Fred McLeod Wilcox'
>>> m1.get_studio()
>>> m1.get_actors()
The add_actor Method
- The names of actors are added after the object has been created
- So we need a mutator to add the names
def add_actor(self, name):
- Which we test
>>> m1.add_actor("Walter Pidgeon")
>>> m1.add_actor("Anne Francis")
>>> m1.add_actor("Leslie Nielson")
>>> m1.add_actor("Warren Stevens")
>>> m1.get_actors()
['Walter Pidgeon', 'Anne Francis', 'Leslie Nielson', 'Warren Stevens']
A __str__ Method for Movie
- Movie has more attributes than
- But the __str__ it inherits from
Video will not show them
- We could try to create a new __str__ method
like this
def __str__(self):
return str(self.__collection_no) + ": " + self.__name + ", " + \
str(self.__length) + " minutes, " + self.__format + \
" Directed by " + self.__director + ", " + self.__studio
- But this won't work
>>> str(m1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/Users/glenn/workspace-mars/it117/resources_it117/code_it117/example_code_it117/11_chapter_example_code/", line 26, in __str__
' Directed by ' + self.__director + ', ' + self.__studio
AttributeError: 'Movie' object has no attribute '_Movie__collection_no'
- The first four attributes are contained in Video
- Not in Movie
- We need a special function to access the methods in the superclass
The super
- You cannot access the methods in a superclass object
- Instead you have to use the
built-in function
- A call to
returns something like a variable ...
- that points to the superclass object
- You use dot notation with this variable to call the superclass's
- Like this
def __str__(self):
return super().__str__() + " Directed by " + self.__director + ", " + self.__studio
- Which works when we test it
>>> str(m1)
'9: Forbidden Planet, 98 minutes, DVD Directed by Fred McLeod Wilcox, MGM'
- You will file the source code for the Movie class
Creating Derived Objects
- Whenever we create an object of a derived class
- We are actually creating two objects ...
- that behave as one
- An object of the
derived class
- And an object of the
base class
- So when we create a Movie object
- We are also creating a Video object
- The picture in memory looks like this
- The object variable m1 points to the derived object
- And
connects to the base class object
The Instructional Class
- Let's create another subclass of Video
- I buy videos from
The Great Courses
- The videos come in a set for a specific course
- Taught by a professor in the field
- Each individual DVD has 6 lectures ...
- of 30 minutes each
- Each course is contained on several DVDs
- And each DVD will have its own entry
- Here is the list of attributes for this class
- __course_name
- __company
- __disc_number
- __instructor
- __lectures
- The first 4 will be set by the constructor
- __lectures will be a list ...
- containing the names of each of the lectures
- The entries in this list will be set with a mutator
- Why did I chose a list instead of a set ...
- as I did with the Movie class ...
- The lectures need to be viewed in order
- The elements of a list are ordered ...
- but not those in a set
The Instructional Constructor
- We face the same issues in Instructional
that we faced in Movie
- But there is a new problem
- The __name field will be empty
- I'll explain why a little bit later
- The constructor for our new class must call the
Video constructor
- So we have to supply a value for name
- I will use the nonsense string "XXX" as the value
- All calls to the Video constructor
will have the same value for __name
- So I will not need a name parameter
for the Instructional constructor
- The parameters will also be in a different order
- Which makes more sense for this type of video entry
- Here is the code
def __init__(self, course_name, company, disc_number, instructor, length, format):
Video.__init__(self, "XXX", length, format)
self.__course_name = course_name
self.__company = company
self.__disc_number = disc_number
self.__instructor = instructor
self.__lectures = []
The get_name Method for Instructional
- In the Video and Movie class
the name attribute holds the name of the video
- This value is set in the Video constructor
- But I want the name for an Instructional object to be different
- I want it to have the following format
- In other words, I want the name value to be calculated from other values ...
- not stored in the name attribute
- This means I cannot use the version of get_name inherited from the
Video class
- This class needs its own version of get_name
def get_name(self):
return self.__course_name + ': Disc ' + str(self.__disc_number)
- Which works when I test it
>>> i1.get_name()
'Understanding the Universe: Disc 1'
The __str__ Method for Instructional
- In the Movie class __str__
called the __str__ method of
Video ...
- and then appended the Movie attributes
- But if we call
as we did in Movie
- We will get "XXX" in the output
- This is not what I want
- I want the string representation of my Instructional
videos to have a specific format
- This means the only information I need from the
Video superclass ...
- is the collection_no
- So __str__ will call
from the Video class ...
- along with it's own version of get_name
- as well as value of __instructor
- Here is the code
def __str__(self):
return str(super().get_collection_no()) + ': ' +self.get_name() + ', ' + self.__instructor
- Notice that I did not use all of the attributes from the superclass
- __str__ doesn't need to show all the
- It just needs to create a reasonable string representing the object
- Here is the test
>>> from instructional import Instructional
>>> i1 = Instructional("Understanding the Universe", "Great Courses", 1, "Alex Filippenko", 180, "DVD")
>>> str(i1)
'1: Understanding the Universe: Disc 1, Alex Filippenko'
- The methods we declare in a superclass ...
- will be available in all subclasses
- When a subclass has a method with the same name as the superclass ...
- the interpreter will use the subclass method
- The subclass method is said to override the superclass method
- This means that we can call any of the methods in the superclass ...
- on any instance of the subclass
- Even though the definition of the method can be different in each subclass
- So we can create a list of subclass objects ...
- calling the same method on each one ...
- but getting very different results
>>> from movie import Movie
>>> m1 = Movie("Forbidden Planet", 98, "DVD", "Fred McLeod Wilcox", "MGM")
>>> from instructional import Instructional
>>> i1 = Instructional("Understanding the Universe", "Great Courses", 1, "Alex Filippenko", 180, "DVD")
>>> videos = []
>>> videos.append(m1)
>>> videos.append(i1)
>>> for video in videos:
... print(video)
... print(video.get_name())
2: Forbidden Planet, 98 minutes, DVD Directed by Fred McLeod Wilcox, MGM
Forbidden Planet
1: Understanding the Universe: Disc 1, Instructor Alex Filippenko
Understanding the Universe: Disc 1
- This is an example of a feature of inheritance
called polymorphism
Mutator for the Instructional Class
Accessors for the Instructional Class
- Here are the accessors for the Instructional class
def get_name(self):
return str(super().get_collection_no()) + ": " + self.__course_name + ": Disc " + \
def get_course_name(self):
return self.__course_name
def get_company(self):
return self.__company
def get_disc_number(self):
return self.__disc_number
def get_instructor(self):
return self.__instructor
def get_lectures(self):
return self.__lectures
- When I test them, they work as follows
>>> i1.add_lecture("A Grand Tour of the Cosmos")
>>> i1.add_lecture("The Rainbow Connection")
>>> i1.add_lecture("Sunrise, Sunset")
>>> i1.add_lecture("Bright Objects in the Night Sky")
>>> i1.add_lecture("Fainter Phenomena in the Night Sky")
>>> i1.add_lecture("Our Sky Through Binoculars and Telescopes")
>>> i1.get_course_name()
'Understanding the Universe'
>>> i1.get_company()
'Great Courses'
>>> i1.get_disc_number()
>>> i1.get_instructor()
'Alex Filippenko'
>>> i1.get_lectures()
['A Grand Tour of the Cosmos', 'The Rainbow Connection', 'Sunrise, Sunset', 'Bright Objects in the Night Sky', 'Fainter Phenomena in the Night Sky', 'Our Sky Through Binoculars and Telescopes'
- You will find the source code for the Instructional
class here
The isinstance
- Inheritance is a useful ...
- because it lets us reuse code
- Reusing code is good practice
- The more code we write ...
- the greater the chance of an error
- But inheritance is not without its drawbacks
- What if you have an object that you know is a subclass of
- But you don't know which subclass?
- Each subclass has its own unique methods
- If you call a method on an object that does not implement the method ...
- the interpreter will raise an exception
- What can you do?
- You can use the
built-in function
- The general format for using this function is
is a boolean function that returns True or False
>>> isinstance(i1, Movie)
>>> isinstance(i1, Instructional)
will also return True
- When you use the class name of the superclass
>>> isinstance(i1, Video)
Class Exercise
Class Quiz