IT 244: Introduction to Linux/Unix
Class 27


New Material


Final Exam

The final exam will be held on Tuesday, May 14th from 3:00 - 6:00 PM.

The exam will be given in this room.

If for some reason you are not able to take the Final at the time it will be offered, you MUST send an email to me before the exam so we can make alternative arrangements.

60% of the points on this exam will consist of questions from the Ungraded Class Quizzes.

You do not need to study a Class Quiz question if the topic is not mentioned in either the Midterm or Final review.

The other questions I will make up specifically for this exam.

For these questions you will have to know

The last class on Thursday, May 2nd, will be a review session.

You will only be responsible for the material in that review session, which you will find here, and the review for the Midterm, which you will find here.

Although the time alloted for the exam is 3 hours, I would expect that most of you would not need that much time.

The final is a closed book exam.

To prevent cheating, certain rules will be enforced during the exam.

Remember, the Midterm and Final determine 50% of your grade.

Course Evaluation

At the end of each semester we offer you the opportunity to say what you think about this course.

What have I done right?

What have I done wrong?

What can I do better?

You are not asked for you name.

So the submissions are anonymous.

I will not see your responses until after I have submitted grades for this course.

We collect this feedback through Course Evaluations.

I will use what you say to make this course better.

To complete the course evaluation, use the following link .

You have until Friday, May 24th, to submit the evaluation.

Today's Class

The material we cover today will not be on the final.

Instead, I'll talk about some advanced features of Linux/Unix that you should be aware of.


Are there any questions before I begin?


Using Braces, { } , with Variables

Special Parameters

$ - The PID of the Current Shell Process

! - The PID of the Last Process Put into the Background

? - The Exit Status

Positional Parameters

# - The Number of Command Line Arguments

0 - The Pathname of the Script

1 - n - The Command Line Arguments


New Material

Expanding Null and Unset Variables

:- Use a Default Value

:= Assign a Default Value

:? Print an Error Message

The [[ ]] Command

Who Uses These Features?

&& and || as Command Separators

An Introduction to AWK

Running awk

AWK Syntax

Blank Pattern

Regular Expression Patterns

BEGIN and END Patterns

Comparison Patterns

Range Patterns

AWK Fields

Class Exercise 27

Today's Class Exercise is unusual.

I am asking you to recreate the script I used to test Class Exercise 25.

Let me explain how this script works.

Contract for the Web

Class Exercise